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By Lisa Marie
April 1, 2024
Luke Bailey is no stranger to the financial space. In fact, after an 18 year career in the sector, he finally had enough. Tired of the fact that those around him hardly looked like him, he decided to set out on his own venture, one that was rooted in both representation and education. This is the driving force behind Neon Money Club, a digital platform that aims to inject financial wellness into people’s everyday lives by making it both relevant and accessible. Co-Founded by Jackie Liao, the pair are out to make financial health the new flex. We recently caught up with Luke to discuss Neon Money Club’s origins, how NMC differentiates itself from other financial ventures, and how music ties into his pursuits.
How did you meet Jackie, and what inspired you to create Neon Money Club?
Luke: Jackie and I met through an intro from a mutual friend. We quickly realized that aside from our love for kicks, we shared the same upbringing and North Star - to give the world the keys that we’ve been lucky enough to gain during our careers. I went out in search of a co-founder and gained a brother instead.
Why is equal representation within the financial space important to you?
Equal representation is important everywhere for me. I’ve seen my whole life how people are treated differently just because of who they are and where they’re from. How established brands invest in quality at their stores in the Flatiron district, but not at the one on 125th street. I believe that everyday, hard-working people should have access to a premium experience and that established brands should do the work to put heart and intention into their offerings. With NMC we put our time, money and effort where our beliefs are. We built something for the 99%.
What separates Neon Money Club from other fintech ventures?
At NMC, we don’t look at financial wellness as some magical state to achieve someday. We look at it as a way to live - today. Our members can show you their rare pair of J’s, but also their portfolio with Nike stocks. You look left and right and see brands in Fintech and elsewhere renting the culture for their own gain, but their execs don’t reflect the community they’re attempting to sell to. We don’t have to rent the culture - we live here. There has never been a Fintech like this run by a team that looks like us. But behind the fits and beanies is a collective of ex-bank execs and creatives who have no interest in preaching or talking down to our community of members. Instead we move with them.
What is Neon Money Club’s long term goal? Where do you see Neon Money Club in 10-20 years?
Our goal is to inject financial health into the everyday fabric of society. We want you thinking of your finances just like you think of your fit. There’s a wall of anxiety when discussing financial health and we’re here to tear it down by taking the conversation to where people’s attention already is. We’re going to add our unique perspective to the majority of consumer finance. We’ve built a premium financial ecosystem where members don’t have to go elsewhere to grow themselves. Today you can buy an iPhone, a MacBook and stream content all from Apple without compromising quality. Imagine if you could do the same with a modern financial platform? What financial platform has the bravery to launch a dating app? We did it to respect where people are and what they’re interested in.
What’s something you’d share with a 20 year old who is seeking to become financially literate?
A 20 year old has a greater advantage than a person twice their age. You have TIME on your side. We built Neon Money Club to give you a head start to educate yourself in a place that doesn’t use confusing banking language from the 1920’s. Start here, and if we don’t have what you need, you tell us and we’ll create it. We built NMC specifically for our 20 year old selves.
How do you utilize music to spread awareness for Neon Money Club?
I’m probably the only ex-rapper to also make a billion dollars for a major bank. I never looked at working in banking as any different than making music. To me, everything is music. When I was young, I always thought my music would get me to the Grammys. But instead, I’ve been there a few times just as a result of the work we’re doing in finance. It’s a full circle moment.
What are some of your favorite sneaker/clothing brands right now?
The best brands all have the same thing in common - their stories are just as high in quality as the goods they produce. They don’t just design clothing, they design a lifestyle. One of the best brands doing this today (by a mile) is Aimé Leon Dore. Great music producers don’t just make beats - they create sonic environments. Teddy Santis and team have created a very special environment at ALD. (QGTM).
What is one album that you’d take wherever you go?
“A Collection of Fleeting Moments and Daydreams” by Orion Sun. I’d fly to the moon with that album.
What does the phrase “big ass kid” mean to you?
It means youth, perpetually. Not in a sense of staying young forever. For me, maintaining youth means staying curious. My hunger to be exposed to new things is what drives me.
If you’re interested in learning more about Neon Money Club and The Cream Card ™️, then take a stroll over to joinneon.com.